Social investment

Programs in


Our social investment programs are aligned with the corporate strategy and the local needs identified 46 with communities and institutions, and focus on the following four areas.

Local economic development

We promote business development and organizational skills in rural communities, resulting in better access to the banking system, consistent financial information, alignment between production costs and market prices, stronger marketing strategies, and increased sales and profits.

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Human development

We improve the quality of education and reduce dropout rates and illiteracy by supporting schools and developing technical training programs. We also develop strategies and initiatives to optimize communities’ quality of life through projects to improve healthcare, access to public utilities, and community infrastructure.

We execute these initiatives together with community leadership (JAC) in the villages that participated in the programs.

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Community and institutional strengthening

By supporting government institutions and civil society organizations, we can improve community assets, identify priorities, and contribute to local development plans.

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Indigenous peoples

Indigenous communities are a priority for our operations. We fully acknowledge and respect their rights, consistent with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). We promote the development, preservation, and cultural reproduction of ethnic communities located near our operations.

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We leverage the Entretejiendo Foundation’s experience and knowledge to create positive and significant gains for our neighbouring communities. We first focus on understanding people’s needs and then, in line with our business strategy, ethics policies, and respect for human rights, we undertake social projects with a long-term vision and an inclusive approach.

At Entretejiendo, we work hard to ensure our projects meet the needs of communities, are sustainable, and have a lasting impact. Our foundation has five investment priorities: human development, sustainable growth, institutional strengthening, environmental protection, and humanitarian aid.

A significant part of our investment targets vulnerable communities that have historically lacked access to development resources. We are proud to be able to help close this gap.

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Our ESG goals


By 2021:

•     Develop a social investment strategy and policy to guarantee projects with long-term vision

•     Include a gender approach in 100% of the baseline for social investment projects