Conserving ecosystems is fundamental to global sustainability. We recognize Colombia’s status as one of the world’s mega-diverse countries and understand the importance of its ecosystems for the planet. Moreover, we recognize that our exploration and production activities take place in remote and environmentally sensitive areas.
We have therefore assumed responsibility for contributing to biological conservation within our operational areas. We incorporate biodiversity protection strategies as an essential part of managing our operations. We are committed to not operating, exploring, mining or drilling in areas recognized as World Heritage Sites or in International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Category I-IV protected areas.
When we operate in areas with globally or nationally significant biodiversity, we use the mitigation hierarchy – avoidance, minimization, restoration, and compensation. We work with external partners to fulfil our responsibilities and commitments to protect biodiversity.
Before project implementation, we conduct forest inventories, enabling us to implement action plans to protect plants and wildlife.
Our ESG goals
• No accidents and environmental non-compliance events for the next 6 years
• By 2021, establish 10 biodiversity conservation agreements with local stakeholders