Canacol’s social investments intend to significantly improve the quality of life in our neighbouring communities. A strategic approach is essential to ensure the identification, prioritization, implementation, monitoring, and reporting of projects in line with national and international standards, respect for human rights, and recognition of diversity, culture, and identity.
We recognize we can have an impact on the areas where we operate. We therefore promote and maintain close and transparent relationships to understand and address concerns related to our operations and communities’ needs.
We believe in the power of achieving results through partnerships, so we support global agendas such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the Global Compact Principles.
Our social guidelines
• Corporate Social Investment Policy: establishes the criteria for selecting, prioritizing, and evaluating long-term social investment projects.
• Comprehensive Social Responsibility Policy: guides our actions to maintain and strengthen positive relations with local communities. It also establishes goals for sustainable and inclusive development in the areas where we operate.
• Corporate Social Investment Committee: structures, evaluates, and supervises the execution of our social investment policy.
• Social Responsibility and Prior Consultation Addenda: establishes social responsibility and prior consultation guidelines that contractors and subcontractors must use to minimize social risks and strengthen relationships in operation areas.
Our guiding principles
The following are the principles for the Company’s social investment projects:
Respect. We respect national legislation and international principles, ethics, and human rights with a differential focus. We value and respect local culture and traditions.
Honesty. We create mechanisms for consistent and responsible communication with our stakeholders, generating credibility and trust. We ensure transparency in all our actions.
Participation and shared responsibility. We work with communities, governments, and other local institutions to formulate, develop, and evaluate projects according to current needs.
Cooperation. We promote partnerships with public, academic, private, and non-governmental organizations to maximize the impact of our actions without replacing the national government’s responsibilities.
Sustainability. We develop long-term projects focused on skills-building and self-management to promote community independence.
Innovation. We create and disseminate social practices that will generate just and sustainable solutions.
Gender equity. We promote equitable relations between men and women.
Human rights. We protect human beings’ basic prerogatives and freedoms, which are universal, indivisible, irrevocable, and inalienable, and whose effective exercise is indispensable for the full development of every person.