Key indicators

Direct economic value generated and distributed (millions of dollars) GRI 201-1 CSA-DJSI 0 Company information

Material topics 2020

Material topics 2020 GRI 102-44 GRI 102-46 GRI 102-47 CSA-DJSI 1.2.1 Material issues CSA-DJSI 1.2.2 Materiality disclosure


Stakeholders We manage our ESG strategy through effective engagement with our stakeholders by creating arenas for interaction that involve them in defining and working on issues that are strategic for sustainable development. GRI 102-40 GRI 102-42 GRI 102-43


General basic contents This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Comprehensive option. GRI 102-54 and GRI 102-55 TABLA-GRI GRI Standard: general basic contents Disclosure Page number (s) and / or GRI Content Index Omission Assurance Corporate Sustainability Assessment – Dow Jones… Leer más »GRI INDEX

ESG rankings and ratings

ESG rankings and ratings 2 On a voluntary basis, we have made our measurements in line with the best recognized global sustainability standards. This allows us to track important trends and determine gaps and the resulting goals to continue to move forward with the consolidation… Leer más »ESG rankings and ratings