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WEF index

World Economic Forum (WEF) Index Toward Common Metrics and Consistent Reporting of Sustainable Value Creation TABLA-(WEF)_Index Pillar Theme Coremetrics & Disclosures Planet: Core metrics and disclosures Climate Change – Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions • Key indicators. GHG emissions from operational control, Page 13 • A cleaner energy… Leer más »WEF index


prueba_tabla 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total use of energy by source in the gas fields / Energy consumption within the organization. Reduction of energy consumption GRI 302-1 / 302-4 Diesel (GJ) 623 959 1,619 301 Natural gas (GJ) 11,775 13,139 6,756 13,480 Electricity (GJ) 655… Leer más »TAblas