The oil and gas industry frequently operates in regions that pose significant challenges in human rights such as practices related to the operations’ physical security, relations with ethnic communities, and freedom of association. Our approach is to anticipate and prevent direct and indirect impacts on human rights. To do that, we support global agendas such as the United Nations Global Compact, of which we have been a signatory since 2014, and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Our Human Rights Policy orients decision-making, responsible business management, and our relations with people and the environment. The policy reaffirms our commitment to respect and promote human rights as set out in the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at work. The Board of Directors and senior management establish guidelines for policy implementation in our activities, projects, and operations. Manuals and training ensure compliance by employees, suppliers, contractors, and the community.
During 2020, no reports were received regarding human rights violations.
We reinforced our human
rights culture in a time of
221 (58%) employees received training on 31 :
- Human rights risks caused by the pandemic, emphasizing children, teenagers, and women’s rights.
- Through a partnership between Canacol and Compensar, 32 76 people, including employees and their family members, participated in a two-hour session on human rights as part of the Children’s Day celebration.
- 147 employees took a human rights course called “Let’s talk about something inherently human,” with a special emphasis on protecting women, children, and teenagers, made up of five 2-hour training sessions.
- 74 employees received the training called, “Peer to Peer: Thinking about Human Rights for Life.
221 hours in training on human rights policies or procedures to direct and indirect employees
Physical security and human
The physical security area is responsible for ensuring our contractors meet the requirements for respecting and promoting human rights. We assess risks and evaluate each private security provider to guarantee alignment between operational activities and our human rights policy.
Our ESG goals
For the next 6 years, train 100% of staff and the most critical contractors on the Human Rights policy
By 2021:
• Develop and implement the corporate due diligence procedure in human rights to identify risks, and analyse their occurrence in operations and in the value chain
• Train 100% of private security contractors on human rights issues
By 2022:
• Include human rights evaluation criteria in the selection process for critical contractors and suppliers
• Train 100% of the staff and critical contractors and suppliers in risk management
By 2023:
• Audit 100% of the contractors and suppliers most at risk on human rights and due diligence issues